Monday, May 19, 2014

The last bits

Well, I am on the flight home, soaring through the sky, swimming upstream against the clouds.  The lakes and rivers in the distance out my window are all silver and blue, while those winding beneath and all dark chasms, each a bottomless pit of shadow, mysteries of the land.  There is not much for cloud, but it comes and goes, and the sky is it's natural brilliant blue.

Yesterday was another full day.  It being Sunday, we decided to go to church in the morning at a beautiful Anglican church not too far away.  We'd visited it previously and it had struck us as beautiful and peaceful.  It can be a really lovely thing to connect with Christians in other places, like stumbling upon family members.  There's an openness and understanding of each other, an acceptance and connection.  It was this that I was looking forward to.  The service was lovely up to the point where the main sermon was given.  It wasn't so much a biblical, Christ-centred message as it was a cultural one - a promotion of the idea that all religions are merely different paths to the same god.  Quite honestly, I have no idea how anyone can hold that idea to be true and hold Christianity to be true.  The bible is explicit about the way to God, and it leaves no rooms for other paths.  It would seem that the beliefs are in conflict.  I suspect that a person holding a kind of all-inclusive belief like that is looking less for truth (which can sometimes be difficult), but rather a culturally acceptable set of inoffensive guiding beliefs.  However, this isn't a can of worms I usually delve into, and I've probably already offended someone, so I'll stop there.  The short of it is, Michelle and I had a very long conversation about it afterwards, and we were both disappointed by our experience there. 

However, we were not disappointed by our bike ride!  It is easy to rent bikes in Montreal and they are all over downtown and by the metro stations -so convenient!  So we took a whirl round the canal and port area.  It was lovely, and perfect weather for it - not too hot.  I'd been waiting all week to get a closer look at Habitat 67, one of the few bits of Canadian art/architecture that was touched upon by in art history classes, so that was our destination.  It was as good as anticipated, all boxy and nice with spaces in between that you could see through to the other side.  Just plain fun!

The we rushed off for a dinner with my uncle and family to celebrate his birthday and to visit.  That was also a delight!  We got the tour of the house, met the kiddos, enjoyed casual appetizers on their deck and went off to a restaurant for dinner.  A really lovely way to cap off our visit to Montreal!

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